Sunday, 14 February 2010

Non Valentine's Related Post

This can’t be bad luck. The world must just hate me. Maybe not the whole world. Just the majority of the things in my vicinity. Specifically technology. Technology hates me with the fieriest of passions. Perhaps I’m the real John Connor.

My last computer wasn’t fond of doing its job of connecting to wireless networks. It seems that Apple got wind of this fact and designed a MacBook that would eventually find its way into my hands to deprive me of what is presently considered a basic human right: Wi-Fi access.

I’ve searched online for a solution, however I haven’t been a Mac user long enough to understand what they are talking about on their Mac forums. I’m such a newbie. Yesterday, I trekked through the human traffic jam that is Oxford Street (on a Saturday afternoon) to find that the soonest I could be seen to be a ‘Genius’ is Wednesday.

Seriously, ‘Genius’? Where do these guys get off? Yes, I know it’s a cross reference to a feature on iTunes, but I’d feel a whole lot more satisfied if you fixed my Mac with some fucking CUSTOMER SUPPORT instead of inflating your already dangerously inflated egos. Anyway, if Macs are so fucking good, why is there a waiting list THREE days long of people that have problems with their iProducts?

Suck my balls Apple. Your Leopard should be turned into a coat.

I’m a Mac user, and this was uploaded on a PC.

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