Sunday, 17 January 2010


Note to self: When you get some time to yourself, start writing about the ridiculous events of work. The place is comedy. However, now, sleep.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Finally, a tiny fleck of luck has appeared on the arse hole that is my life.

Normally I swear and spit at buses as they fly by me or turn me away for having a double beeping oyster card.

This one's for you, you jeb ends.

Whereas I have to put up with a non track listed version of Justice's Cross (btw hurry the fuck up with the next album) on the bus, I 1. Didn't pay for said album and 2. Didn't pay to get on this bus.

How fucking double luck is that?

Jesus, if you only exist in the imagination of many, you've done me a massive favour. Seeing as you're in a good mood can you explain to me all the conflicting ideas that your guys are professing about you? I know it's something that can only be explained successfully through the medium of blogging.

I await your anonymous comment.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Back to Mobile Blogging

For a month or so, it seemed like things were in the vicinity of going to plan. The laptop, although in a constant catatonic state of despair, chugged along spitting out music with minor feedback and every once in a while connecting to the internet. That was a happy period. And now it's over.

I find myself on the 205 attempting to blog again on my mobile phone. A task similar to performing open heart surgery with a rusty butter knife or trying to equate pi to its exact value using a Sinclair Spectrum ZX. I forgot how 'fun' this is.

Because it turns out that only 0.000001% of the internet is written in code that a Sony Ericsson can read.

I don't mind. Charlie Brooker's writing on the Guardian site is working fine, and i like a good moan.